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Past Life Regression

3 hr
250 US dollars
Red Fox Way

Service Description

The Soul is eternal and comes into the physical body in order to learn, grow, and evolve. During a Past Life Soul Regression your Spirit Guides will work with my Spirit Guides to lead you into a past life which will help you to understand and integrate what is happening in this lifetime. There may be unresolved issues such as phobias, trauma, physical pain, shame, guilt, self-esteem or trust issues, ostracization, depression, or health issues, but we also carry forward our talents and gifts from past lives into our present life. You will experience the past life that is currently affecting your present life in the way that is most appropriate for you, either through sensing it, visualizing it, emotionally feeling it, or by having physical sensations. You will be gently guided down into your subconscious and into a trance state, but you will always be in control. Your Spirit Guides will never take you beyond what you can handle. It is a very powerful and meaningful experience. Your Guides will provide you with whatever is in your Highest Good for your Soul’s evolution.

Contact Details

  • 12271 Red Fox Way, Broomfield, CO, USA

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